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An Alphabet Lore Creepypasta

We all know the letters of the alphabet from Alphabet Lore, especially the planet Z themselves. And we all know the villainous numbers from Number Lore. But did you know that all of the letters and numbers are figments of a man's imagination inside a dream and that Z was that man? Allow me to illuminate.

Let's start with the Z himself a.k.a. Ezekiel Zimmermann, or Zeke for short. Zeke was a journalist, hearing about the tragedies in his town. Zeke had always felt sorry for the victims of those tragic events and wished that he could do something about it. Unfortunately, that day never arrived when he was caught in a horrific car accident. Zeke had survived, but unfortunately, the car crash put the poor man straight into a coma. The comatose Zeke was put on life support, trapped in an eternal sleep and an everlasting dream of him being a planet and a "Z", with the dead people as letters and numbers.

The first three people were Alejandro Anderson, an albino man and a chill dude, Bradley Blue a friendly man who loves butterflies and Charlie Campbell a cool, yet tough guy. A trio of best friends and the incarnations of A, B and C. Alejandro, Bradley and Charlie all died on different days. Alejandro was killed after being hit by a taxi cab while he was reading, Bradley died in a plane crash while he was bringing a butterfly collection home and Charlie was violently torn limb from limb by wild animals while he was camping in the woods and his bloody remains were eaten afterwards.

Daniel Drew was the next unfortunate soul. He was a happy, loving, cheerful man with a positive attitude. Although Daniel may not be smart, he is actually happy about his life. Unfortunately, his life ended when an angry man came along and beat poor Daniel with no mercy. Apparently, Daniel had accidentally scratched the man's car while he wasn't looking. Daniel died of his injuries on his way to the hospital. D became the reincarnation of the late Daniel Drew.

Ethan Evans was a cool dude and a lady's man just like his reincarnation, E. With a pompadour hairstyle and a knack for impersonating Elvis Presley, Ethan had everything he ever dreamed of; money, popularity, riches, woman, you name it. But all that changed when Ethan was bludgeoned in the head with an aluminum bat by accident during a game of pinata. Ethan's dreams were shattered just like his skull and he dropped dead.

Finneas Foster, a.k.a. F, was abandoned as a baby with no family and was sent to an orphanage where he was bullied by other kids for being clad in black clothing. The caretaker tried suggesting that F should wear different clothes in concern, but F never listened and said that he liked wearing black. He also hated being called "Finn", which made him mad. Despite this, he befriended Noah Navarro, a young man with a loving family who was bullied for being weak and cowardly, during his childhood days, but the bullying made him much worse. Even all his teeth were broken and became sharp teeth. F became cold, ruthless, sadistic and vengeful. In his teen years, F seeked revenge on his former tormentors and grew up as a criminal, involved in countless crimes, including serial murder, mutilation, torture, cannibalism, kidnapping, theft, armed robbery, assault, psychological abuse, terrorism and so on. His only friend, Noah tried to stop him and tell him to cease his life of crime to change for the better, but it was too late. F was arrested for all the horrible things he had done and was taken to jail. F was later sentenced to death via electric chair, making Noah both heartbroken and traumatized as he witnessed his best friend die. Unable to live without his best friend, Noah wrote a suicide note and took his life to see F in the afterlife by hanging himself at the noose. His parents found their son's hanging corpse in his room. F's reincarnation became a certain black capital letter of the same name while N became the reincarnation of Noah.

Next comes Grayson Garcia and Petunia Parker, a lovely couple who soon became G and P respectively. Grayson and Petunia had fallen in love with each other since childhood and they started dating in their teen years. As soon as they became adults, Grayson and Petunia were happily married. Soon, Petunia became pregnant and wanted to have a family with Greyson and Greyson agreed. Unfortunately, Petunia gave birth to a dead baby, a stillborn, much to her and Grayson's horror and grief. Soon, Petunia took her own life and shot herself in the head. Mortified and heartbroken, Grayson mourned over his wife's suicide and isolated himself in his home. One year later, Grayson died from a broken heart. As for their stillborn child, the baby soon became G and P's baby.

Hunter Hamilton, the previous incarnation of H, was obsessed with ghosts, the occult and the paranormal. He used to give ghost tours to tourists to earn money, considering that he was poor. Hunter always loved reading books on ghosts, occult and the paranormal. Soon, Hunter had given his last ghost tour in an abandoned facility when the tourists left him alone. Hunter tried to keep up until he ended up knocking into something that leaked a toxic gas called hydrogen cyanide, accidentally inhaling it. Hunter succumbed to hydrogen cyanide poisoning and gave up the ghost alone.

The next person was Irving Isaacson, a man with a youthful appearance and glasses. Irving was older than he looked, making him cute. The only thing that wasn't cute about him was his death, which was a horrible accident when he got crushed by a car crusher in a junkyard. Irving soon became I.

Jasper Jones was a supermodel with a pretty face. Jasper, unfortunately, was not lucky, just like the others. A fire happened and the poor man was burned alive. J became the reincarnation of Jasper.

Kairi Krueger, the previous incarnation of K, had a huge interest in bugs and insects. Ironically, this led to her untimely demise. While studying the bees, she accidentally knocked the beehive over, causing the bees to go mad and sting her to death.

Leon Lorenzo and Orville Olson, who soon became L and O respectively, were the next people on death's list. Leon and Orville were a pair of rich gentlemen who were not only snobs, but bullies as well. Leon was spoiled rotten by his mother as Orville's parents spoiled their son too. Leon and Orville were like two peas in a pod. Unfortunately, Orville perished from leukemia, which is blood cancer. What made it worse was that Orville was overweight. Leon, on the other hand, had by far the worst death of all the others. Just as Leon was about to attend Orville's funeral, one of Leon and Orville's victims came to him one day with a sharp knife and tackled him, stabbing Leon multiple times. Then, the victim slit Leon's throat, killing him. For Leon's demise, it was poetic justice.

The next lost soul was Michael Martinez, a man who was neglected by his parents and abused by his older siblings. As a child, Michael was bullied for being weak, so he went to therapy. He eventually went to the gym in his teens, hoping to be stronger and stand up for himself. He even took boxing classes, kickboxing classes and wrestling classes for self-defense. In his adulthood, Michael had not only stood up for himself, but others as well. Unfortunately, while Michael went to the convenience store, which was where he used to work, he came across a killer with a gun, killing the other employees. Just as Michael was about to intervene, the killer shot Michael three times in the chest, killing him. After death, Michael soon became M.

Quinton Quisenberry was the next victim and the previous incarnation of Q. Quinton was diagnosed with bradykinesia, slowness in movement. He was very slow, yet very wise. He would always try to warn people about the accidents, but he was not quick enough to get there on time. He was always late to work. Soon, Quinton's slowness would lead to his demise. While camping, he ended up walking into quicksand and couldn't get out. He sank into the quicksand and perished.

Robin Ridley, who soon became R, was a coward who suffered anxiety. Robin had a scar over one of his eyes since childhood after a cat scratched him. He had been afraid and stressed ever since. Eventually, Robin ended up falling into a tar pit and drowned in the tar.

The previous incarnation of S is Samuel Stuart, a reptile lover and a hippie when it comes to reptiles. His parents fight over his hippie lifestyle and his obsession over reptiles, causing a divorce. Even as an adult, Samuel lives with his mother, who still supports him. Samuel's most favorite reptile is a snake and he had gotten a pet snake for his birthday. Unfortunately, he was bitten by his own pet snake, causing him to succumb to the snake venom and whither away.

The next victim was Tony Travis, a muscular man and a skilled swimmer. Tony had braces since childhood. Despite this, he was well-respected for his skill and was a gold-medal winner in any swimming race he did before his death. While Tony was swimming at the beach, he didn't realize that the waters had sharks in them until it was too late. He was attacked and eaten by sharks, resulting in a grisly end for the poor man. Soon, T became the reincarnation of Tony.

Ulrich Underwood was another victim. He was unappreciated and ignored by his peers, making him feel invisible. Everytime he tries to do a good deed, no one seems to notice, much to dismay. His luck went from bad to worse. He put on winter gear, including a scarf, to go for a drive on a cold day. Unfortunately, his scarf got tangled in a fan, strangling him. Ulrich's neck snapped and he died of asphyxiation. Soon, Ulrich was reincarnated as U.

Next comes Vinnie Valentine, the incarnation of V. Vinnie was born mentally challenged. He lived as an outcast, being ridiculed for being a retard and a coward. Vinnie tries to be positive and happy. He eventually died from a heart attack after his cowardice got worse.

The Walker Sisters, Wilhelmina and Winifred, were a pair of dicephalic parapagus twins, siamese conjoined at birth. The twins were born and raised in a freak show and they were respected and given things that people believe would make the two happy, which explains why they were wearing Gothic lolita clothing. Unknown to the freak show or the rest of the world, Wilhelmina and Winifred were diagnosed with depression ever since they were kids. Soon, when the freak show closed, the Walker Sisters went to the hospital to get separation surgery. Unfortunately, there was a surgery gone wrong and the twins died from massive blood loss. Wilhelmina and Winifred eventually became W.

Xavier Xiao, who soon became X, was a man from an Asian family who owned a Chinese Restaurant. Xavier learned kung fu and graduated at a martial arts academy to pursue his dreams as a ninja. He was a black belt, which is the highest rank and won every tournament, yet he is very honorable and kind, even to his opponents. Unfortunately, Xavier had lost his final battle when a cannibal broke out of the insane asylum and broke into his home. Xavier tried to take down the cannibal, but the cannibal threw a knife into Xavier's head, killing him instantly. Then, the cannibal ate Xavier's flesh and organs.

Next on death's list was Yumi York, a kind woman who was a babysitter. The kids loved her and she loved them. But all that changed when she started taking care of a group of rowdy, spoiled children, all being siblings. Yumi hardly ate and couldn't sleep during this. Unable to control these kids, she was about to quit her job when she tripped over a ball left by one of the kids, causing her to fall out the window. She died from blunt force trauma, caused by a head injury and broken bones. Y became the reincarnation of poor Yumi York.

Primus Uno was the leader and don of the Mob, a criminal organization with Deuce Zwei, a mobster, as his second-in-command and right-hand man. Tertius Sanban was one of their most loyal mobsters and hitmen. Their criminal ways eventually led to not only their deaths, but the end of their gang. Primus and Deuce set the bomb to go off in an hour to blow up a police station. But thanks to Tertius' clumsiness, the bomb exploded, killing Primus, Deuce, Tertius and seven other mobsters by incinerating them. Their bodies were never found and their lair was destroyed in the process. Primus, Deuce, Tertius and the dead mobsters soon became 1, 2, 3 and the other numbers. The numbers didn't appear in Alphabet Lore, but that is a different story.

With every tragedy tied to the town, no one will ever forget the names of those victims, especially Zeke. In conclusion, the comatose Zeke would continue to watch over the lost souls in the form of the planet, Z, trapped forever in a world of his own mind, in a purgatory of his own making and a dream to which he'll never wake up from.


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